The Arts is Where the Heart Is

We Support These Organizations

musician with disabilities

Our Mission

We strive to educate, cultivate, and guide Musicians with disabilities and/or autism, or Veterans who are Musicians, through our outreach and on-site educational programs. We offer life-changing music development and educational experiences for people of all ages and levels of experience.


Starting off with our “IMERS”, the nation’s first “Immersive Mobile Educational Recording Studio for Musicians with Disabilities, allows us to take the “Recording Studio Experience” right to them. This will solve the problem of so many people with or without a disability to cultivate & grow their talent and offer their gift to the world. Whether it’s actual playing music, singing, the support of the music industry, (production, recording, marketing, sound/lighting, etc.), we will give them this opportunity even if they can’t afford to. Imagine parking our Mobile Studio at a school where their own music programs are lacking or non-existent. We can bring the Arts back to the schools and beyond. Using standard recording practices and now Virtual Reality, we can offer anyone, especially those with a disability the opportunity to experience the world of music. This is only one of our programs and more to come!

We offer our programs and instruction to anyone who has a passion for the Arts including our Veterans and anyone with disabilities and on the Autism Spectrum, but not limited to, with our SEN (Special Education Needs) programs & classes. We offer Music Therapy with our SEN Teachers through our partnerships with key educational and music organizations. They say strength comes in numbers. Ours comes in numbers and a deep passion of the Arts. We call this “Education Through Imagination”.

Shop now to support Musicians with Disabilities could NEVER BE EASIER!! Just click www.Education.Gift and you’ll support the Bill Carroll Foundation for Music Education. With our Foundation, you can give the Gift of Music!

About Us

The Bill Carroll Foundation knows that our strength lies not only in the words we stand by, but most importantly through the actions of our amazing Volunteers and Teachers. As proud members of the National Association of Music Education and many other industry affiliations including RAMPD (Recording Artist and Music Professionals with Disabilities), the Bill Carroll Foundation provides opportunities, guidance and pathways to experience and learn Art & Design, Drama and Music, ANYTHING Visual & Performing Arts and continue to help develop the skills and confidence of many inspiring artists, technicians, teachers and performers which INCLUDES our Veterans and people with Special Needs.  


As individual volunteers we’ve already won all kinds of civic, regional and even national awards in the TV/Film and Production Industries. We’ve also been honored many local, regional and national awards for our charitable services and contributions. 

Through our partnerships with music & performing arts organizations that advances music education, research and advocacy, and preserves the rich heritage of music and visual arts, The Bill Carroll Foundation is making lasting impacts and impressions. Your financial gift will allow more people to experience the arts and celebrate music education in communities across our country. Help us bring the gift of music and the arts into someone’s life today by donating to the Bill Carroll Foundation.

Make a Difference! Donate

If you share a common vision with the Foundation – that the arts are essential, that every person should have the opportunity to experience the arts and that investments in the arts and arts education are investments in the creativity and innovation of the next generation – please help us achieve these goals.

Your generous support will help our educational programs, scholarships, educational stage shows for people with disabilities, arts education, fundraising efforts, equipment purchases and so much more.

In addition, your contribution to the arts goes a long way in building the strength of our local economy. Please Support the Bill Carroll Foundation here in Central Virginia to ensure that the finest arts and cultural education and their programs will be made available to our community, today and for generations to come, whatever the age and background.




"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together"
- Vincent van Gogh

Advocating for
Music Education

Music and the Arts are vital to every child’s education. We offer tools and resources that validate the importance of music in the schools and help grow community support when budgets seem to either fall short or have been taken away.

Music Research

The Foundation has joined forces with NAMM and The National Association for Music Education for scientific research on the mental, physical and emotional benefits of music. We then educate, helping to validate the importance of music at every stage of life.

Creating Opportunities

Your support helps us to fund life-changing music creation and education experiences for people of all ages and levels of experience. From school children to the elderly, these programs bring inspiration, education, healing and hope to a diverse array of music lovers.

Music Therapy
& Education

Music Therapy is also what the Bill Carroll Foundation will offer students as well as people with disabilities and to promote wellness for newborns, children of all ages and adults alike.

Research in music therapy supports its effectiveness in a wide variety of healthcare and educational settings.

Promote Wellness
Manage Stress
Alleviate Pain
Express Feelings
Enhance Memory
Improve Communication
Promote Physical Rehabilitation

The Bill Carroll Foundation

Get in touch with us to learn more about our work and how you can get involved, donate, volunteer, subscribe to our Newsletter or just looking for info…