Instrument Donations

Have extra musical instruments laying around that you and your family no longer play? Donate your used guitar, drums, violin, saxophone, flute, clarinet, and more. Your used musical instrument donations can make a big difference in the lives of America’s Musicians whether they have a disability or not. Our Veterans also can benefit from this program.

Your generous donations service the community and individuals wanting to enter the music industry & profession and who may have experienced difficulties due to whatever reason.

Your donations are needed and appreciated! Just fill out the form at the bottom of our home page, tell us a little about yourself and your instrument and we’ll even be glad to have it shipped to us or we’ll pick it up!

Tax Deduction Receipts · Pickups in Most Areas · Shipping is Available · 100% Tax Deductible

As a guide, here are some types of musical instruments we accept (with or without cases):

  • Guitars – Acoustic or Electric, Bass, etc.
  • Flutes
  • Saxophones
  • Violins
  • Drums
  • Clarinets
  • Electronic Keyboards and/or small Pianos
  • And more!

Also, there are a few organizations that offer grant funding for instrument purchase, including the EMI Music Sound Foundation, Awards for Young Musicians, and Future Talent.

musician with disabilities

Adapting Musical Instruments For Disabled Musicians

The Foundation’s objective is to remove the barriers to music-making faced by those who have physical disabilities. 

For the Bill Carroll Foundation, the primary obstacle is the absence of suitable instruments and the fact that there are extremely few orchestral instruments that can be played without having two fully functioning hands and arms, the need is real. A fact that denies unlimited participation in musical life to those with congenital disabilities and amputees, as well as the millions who may have been injured, suffered a stroke, or developed arthritis. Also, we strive to help each and every individual, and even though the majority of the musicians to whom we extend our programs and services to our children and young adults, we do not limit the age of whom could benefit from them.  

There are so many disabled people who are desperate to play music with their peers. We can help to make that happen – but we can only do that with the wonderful support of our funders and donors. You.